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Older Americans Month 2012: Never too old to play

  • May 7, 2012
  • Meaghan Puglisi
  • 3-min Read

We believe that there is more choice in the second half of life.  That’s why it’s no surprise that we love the month of May because it’s Older Americans Month (OAM)!  An entire month to celebrate and show appreciation to the Older Americans in our lives and our communities. 

Although everyday  you should be appreciative and proud of all the Older Americans you know, OAM serves as a reminder, as the OAM website states, of our “commitment to recognizing the contributions and achievements of older Americans”.  This year’s theme for OAM is “Never Too Old To Play”.  How fitting considering Lifesprk loves to bring passion back into the lives of our clients and help them enjoy the second half of their lives! Sometimes it’s hard to keep older Americans living active lifestyles and keeping them involved with their family, friends and community.  That’s why we’re offering a list of ideas to keep the ones you loved engaged and enjoying the next part of their lives and celebrate this great month.

Here are 5 ways to celebrate Older Americans Month:

  1. Play a board game with the ones you love or visit and nursing home and enjoy time with their residents.  An easy and fun way to get a lSail on! Dream Rally Wishittle competitive and have a great time!
  2. Find out what they love to do, and make that happen!  Here at Lifesprk, we love making wishes come true and we encourage you to do the same.  Take dad fishing or bake cookies with grandma.  Take time to do that activities they love.  
  3. Sit down and have a great conversation.  Ask questions, be engaged and enjoy their company.  Find out what their first job was or their most embarrassing story.  It’s a chance to learn a lot about the ones you love and allow them time to reflect on the first half of their lives.  
  4. Host a social at a nursing home or care facility.  Put on music they love, ask residents to bring a small dish as a refreshment, and invite all the residents you know!  Conversation, laughter and great times will spark!  If residents aren’t able to cook, offer to help!  
  5. Get them moving.  There are numerous senior fitness classes, books and movies you can check out and do together!  It’ll help you both stay active and feel great.  
  6. We encourage you to take advantage of Older Americans Month and celebrate the ones you love!  Spark On!  Featured in the picture is Bob, one of our clients, who received our Sail On! Dream Rally Wish.

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